This website is the property of Wollux s.a.
Contact details and registered office:
Wollux s.a.
Avenue du Château 184-190
7700 Mouscron
Company number: BE 0841 729 574
By accessing and using the website, you expressly accept the general terms and conditions.
The Wollux web site is intended to inform you about the Wollux company itself and about its products and services. Details can be found under the different menu points. We take data protection very seriously, more details are contained in our Privay Policy.
Wollux excludes all liability which may arise from incorrect information
All of the information on our website is carefully compiled, however, no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of the content. Wollux particularly and expressly excludes all liability which may arise from incorrect information contained on our website.
When Wollux is notified of errors or incomplete information, one will proceed as soon as possible to improve or complete.
The information on the website is of a general nature. The information is not adapted to personal or specific circumstances and can therefore not be considered as personal, professional or legal advice to the user.
In case links are established with other websites is Wollux not liable for the content and the existence of these other sites.
Wollux will try to ensure that the website is available at all times, however, users have no claim to this. Wollux is entitled to limit or suspend the availability and use of the website at our own discretion. Wollux cannot be held liable for damages which may be incurred due to restricted use or unavailability of our website.
The entire content of the Wollux web site (texts, pictures, , etc.) are protected by copyright and may not be duplicated or circulated without the express written permission of Wollux.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
The Belgian law is applicable to this site. In case of a dispute, only the courts of the Kortrijk jurisdiction are competent.